Caution - Skin Penetration

All tattooing involves penetration of the dermis (inner skin), with the attendant risk of immediate and ongoing pain or discomfort, infection, allergic reaction and other undesirable consequences.

Before commencement of any procedure, you will be required to provide a detailed medical history including specific past and existing medical conditions, medications and injuries. After assessment for suitability for the requested procedure(s) you will also be required to sign an informed consent for the use of topical anaesthesia.

The assessment is performed by the Practitioner who is Registered Nurse in the State of New South Wales, and a supplementary assessment may also be required be conducted by the referring medical practitioner. All procedures are performed solely by the Practitioner, and not by an employee or unqualified assistant.

After consideration of the risks outlined here and at your practical assessment, when you decide to undertake the treatment(s) every care is taken to minimize the risks described above. The means by which this achieved include:

Professional Qualifications

RN Nurses and Midwives Registration Board of New South Wales
Registered Nurse: RN 1315733
RM Nurses and Midwives Board of New South Wales
Registered Midwife: RM 1315733
MAPAA The Association of Professional Aestheticians of Australia
Member: 30333CFNR
AIPM Australia Institute of Permanent Makeup
Certified to perform
  • Eyeliner & Eyelash Enhancement
  • Lipline & Blend
  • Eyebrow & Eyebrow Enhancement
  • Full Lip, Lipline & Colour Removal
  • Nipple Areola Creation & Repigmentation
  • Colour Selection, Matching & Blending

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